The Rile Up with Brew and Krowley

Doctoring the Furniture

Brew and Krowley Season 1 Episode 10

Episode 10 and the finale for Season 1 of The Rile Up see's the lads catch up with their usual antics and some quick reflections of the season, some inside jokes that you'll definitely need to go back for!

Brew kicks things off with a hilarious tale of his encounter with some well-known furniture retailers. The moving saga which has kept us all entertained over the past few weeks concludes with Krowleys usual cheap shots at poor Brews misfortunes. 

Krowley then leads into the main rile of the week which involves on-going medical issues and a break from the usual beverage of choice. His story involving his new Dr and collection staff is sure to leave you in stitches. 

Marking the end of the first season and a few weeks off from regular programming, Brew and Krowley sincerely hope you enjoy "Doctoring the Furniture".

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